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Extreme Weather


Siren: Extreme Weather in

Vulnerable Areas

Graduate Studio | spring 2019 | TIMELINE: 6 WEEKS

As climate change renders many areas more and more susceptible to extreme weather such as sever storms, flooding, and tornados, this project seeks to explore one possible option for providing a solution to the lack of infrastructure in these affected communities. This alarm acts as an in home, NOAA connected warning system when TV, radio, and phones may be unreachable as a result of power outage, signal reduction, or user error.

US Natural Disaster Map.jpg
Interior Render 1.png

With tornado alley moving eastward and an increase of flooding events in areas with less experience, many communities are left without a reliable warning system. Nocturnal events are the deadliest, and research shows that current alarm systems that are given through phone, TV, and radio are not sufficient to wake most people up.


User Research

Through surveying and testing different types of alarm systems, the following alarm sound was developed to embodying both the familiarity of a commonly used alarm and the naturalistic sounds of the impeding weather.


Sound Exploration

The alarm took inspiration from sound systems that would allow for amplification through form, and used that to enhance the bass along with the high frequency tones to create a stronger reaction.
